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Hummus/ Homos

Use this recipe to make the best creamy thick Lebanese style hummus with just 5 ingredients!

Cook dry chickpeas at home:

1 bag dry chick peas (16 oz., 1 lb. or 454 g)

1 tsp baking soda

6 cups of water

  1. Empty chickpea bag into a pot and submerge in water overnight or for at least 12 hours. The chickpeas will grow in size and absorb some of the water.

  2. To cook the chickpeas the water has to be 1 inch above the chickpeas, so if needed add more water. Then sprinkle the baking soda and put the pot over the stove top on high heat to boil the water. Do not cover the pot.

  3. Bring the pot to a boil (a foam might start to appear on top of the pot, it's fine just remove it with a spoon and discard).

  4. Once the water is boiling, lower the heat to a low boil and boil the chickpeas for 1 hour. To know it's cooked: hold one chickpea between your fingers and squeeze, if it's mashed easily between your finger then the chickpea is cooked.

  5. Drain the chickpea using a sieve and allow the cooked beans to cool completely before using it to make hummus.

  6. You can place the extra cooked chickpeas in a freezer bag and freeze for later use.

Recipe for hummus:

2 cups cooked chickpea

2 tablespoons tahini sauce

1 teaspoon crushed garlic or medium garlic clove, crushed

1 small lemon, juiced

1/4 tsp salt

Olive oil for topping


  1. Place all ingredients into a food processor (not blender) and processes the ingredients on high for 1 min then on low for another min until all chickpeas as pureed.

  2. Place on a dish or spread on your favorite carb and drizzle with olive oil.

Do not over load your blender, you can do the recipe batches at a time for a perfect spread.



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