Welcome to Habibi, What's Cooking?
I started this blog as a way to encourage myself to experiment with cooking and baking, mainly Lebanese food and recipes that have influenced the Lebanese cuisine (such as the Turkish and French).
I wanted to document my experience and share it with the world as I perfect my recipes and make a big mess I spend hours cleaning. I'm not a professional chef (I'm a fashion designer/ artist), but I love to learn and get creative in the kitchen.
I only save recipes that the royal committee approves (my parents, siblings, cousins, and friends) ... ok mainly mom! Haha.
My inspiration from cooking and baking comes from my mom's kitchen, magazines/ cook books, family/ friends, and the wonderful world of social media. I will always share the best method, and give credit when I like someone's recipe. (So if you have a great one please share)
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